OK, now that GodzillaKing has shown his top 5 kaiju. I think it is only fitting that I hold my end of the bargen
up. So here is my top 5 favorite kaiju, as follows:
OK, I know everyone has godzilla as their favorite kaiju, but I have one specific godzilla in mind. Godzilla
Meltdown, out of all of the godzillas, this guy is the most powerful. That pretty much explains why he's #1.
As a special reminder, Space Godzilla comes in 2nd place. I know most fans think SG looks stupid and his
powers are even dumber, but I think oppositly. Space Godzilla is one of the coolest and most awsomest kaiju I've ever seen.
Coming in #3 is Kiryu. I like him mainly because he goes wild and destroys things like the orignal godzilla
did, but better. A godzilla and the latest piece of technology (oh, yeah! Kavu likey!)
OK, I know GodzillaKing like Mothra . . . alot. But I only like her because of the way she looks. Visually
satisfing and the music that goes along with her arrival isn't that bad either.
No one else can wrap up the top five other than the orignal bad boy. King Ghidorah is the most recognized
and evil kaiju that appears the most. He on more than one occasion has leveled Tokyo just as bad as his rival has done.
And that wraps everything up.